Por isso mesmo – para não se comprometerem –
os Deuses, quando nos falam ao ouvido,
evitam frases explícitas e promessas concretas.
E embora falando espantosamente
a nossa língua,
espantosamente não são entendidos.
Consegues perceber isto, Bloom?
(in Uma Viagem à India, Gonçalo Tavares)
Sunday, 4 December 2016
os deuses
Posted by
O Coxo
Sunday, 23 October 2016
of clericism and men
The veneration of mighty invisible beings, which was extorted from helpless man through natural fear rooted in the sense of his impotence, did not begin with a religion but rather with a slavish worship of a god (or of idols). When this worship had achieved a certain publicly legalized form it was a temple service, and it became a church worship only after the moral culture of men was gradually united with its laws.
(In "Religion within the limits of bare reason", Emmanuel Kant)
Posted by
O Coxo
Saturday, 8 October 2016
View of Hayravank Monastery and Sevan Lake, Armenia
Kapatadze lake, on the road from David Gareji monastery to Sagaredjo, Georgia
(photos by O coxo, September 2016)
Posted by
O Coxo
Tuesday, 30 August 2016
Um quarto dos poemas é imitação literária
Herberto Helder dito por Fernando Alves, in Servidões
Um quarto dos poemas é imitação literária,
outro quarto é ainda imitação mas já irónica e colérica,
outro quarto é das labaredas da inquisição à volta,
outro quarto, o quarto, o que falta, é por causa da
magnificência do mundo
o quinto quarto absurdo é o das quatro patas cortadas,
e o último é ele que olha da montanha
onde abriu na
pedra o seu nome inabalável,
e voltava ao primeiro como se fosse orvalho,
como se fosse tão frio que cortasse até ao osso,
o imo do próprio nome assim metido na pedra,
tanto que ninguém sabia de quem era,
porque ficou todo dentro e não se via de fora:
nem o suor nem o sangue nem o sopro
Posted by
O Coxo
Monday, 29 August 2016
Explorers wanted
Hike the solar system's largest canyon, Valles Marineris on Mars, where you can catch blue sunsets in the twilight, and see the two moons of Mars (Phobos and Deimos) in the night sky.WORK THE NIGHT SHIFT ON MARTIAN MOON PHOBOS
Night owls welcome! If you lived on Mars' moon Phobos, you'd have an office with a view, mining for resources with Mars in the night sky. Settlers below on Mars would see Phobos rise and set not once, but twice in one day!FARMERS WANTED FOR SURVIVAL ON MARS
Got a green thumb? This one's for you! In space, you can grow tomatoes, lettuce, peas, and radishes just like you would find in your summer garden. New ways of growing fresh food will be needed to keep brave explorers alive.SURVEYORS WANTED TO EXPLORE MARS AND ITS MOONS
Have you ever asked the question, what is out there? So have we! That curiosity leads us to explore new places like Mars and its moons, Phobos and Deimos. Just what lies beyond the next valley, canyon, crater, or hill is something we want to discover with rovers and with humans one day too.
Learning is out of this world! Learning can take you places you've never dreamed of, including Mars and its two moons, Phobos and Deimos. No matter where we live, we can always learn something new, especially with teacher-heroes who guide us on our path, daring us to dream and grow!TECHNICIANS WANTED TO ENGINEER OUR FUTURE ON MARS
People with special talents will always be in demand for our Journey To Mars. Whether repairing an antenna in the extreme environment of Mars, or setting up an outpost on the moon Phobos, having the skills and desire to dare mighty things is all you need.ASSEMBLY REQUIRED TO BUILD OUR FUTURE ON MARS AND ITS MOONS
Are you someone who can put things together, solving challenges to ensure survival? Dare to forge our future with space-age tools - build spaceships to carry us to Mars and back, and habitats to protect us while we're there.
Posted by
O Coxo
Sunday, 17 July 2016
Stop making sense
Civilized people walk funny.
There is always a party going on somewhere.
People will remember if you always wear the same outfit.
(loose phrases from stop making sense, David Byrne, Talking Heads)
and now, the big suit:
Posted by
O Coxo
Saturday, 16 July 2016
musiques en été
Musiques en été, Parc de la Grange, July and August, program here
Posted by
O Coxo
Friday, 15 July 2016
Plus que suspect
Les chênes sont atteints d'une grave maladie
Ils sèchent après avoir laissé échapper
Dans une lumière de purin au soleil couchant
Toute une cohue de têtes de généraux
Posted by
O Coxo
Friday, 13 May 2016
Tuesday, 3 May 2016
Burden of Time
photo par O Coxo, Avril 2016. Mosquée dans les ruines d'une Kasbah à Tineghir, Maroc (Merci à nos amis de Tafouyit, Tamttatouchte, de nous avoir accueilli encore une fois. 14 ans après notre premier rencontre.)
The What? The Burden of Time.
Juste une note pour dire que le poid du temps nous fait finalement sentir plus légers. Il y a une densité superflue qui se perd qui a comme effet de nous libèrer des mots nécessaires. Les mots qu'il faut toujours dire sont d'un coup remplacés par du silence. Le silence qui doit toujours y être, à la place des mots.
C'est ça le travail minicieux du temps: de nous libèrer des mots. C'est son ouevre le plus beau.
Posted by
O Coxo
Monday, 2 May 2016
Parte I
Começa aqui a exorcização do medo
Começa aqui o regresso às manhãs frias
à terra húmida e aos declives com musgo
onde espreita o fim e a morte lenta
e tudo é prazer na pele
(O Coxo)
Parte II
Romã: do árabe Romman
Fruta originária da Pérsia, cultivada na Ásia Central, na Geórgia, na Armênia, no Azerbaijão e na região Mediterrânea por muitos anos. O seu cultivo tem uma longa história na Armênia, onde restos de romãs fósseis datadas de 1000 a.C. foram encontrados. Foram os berberes que levaram a romã e seu cultivo para a Península Ibérica.
(in "a origem da palavra Romã", Maria Luiza Berwanger da Silva)
Parte III
Perséfone foi seqüestrada por Hades e levada para viver no inferno como sua esposa. A mãe de Perséfone, Deméter, entrou então em luto pela perda de sua filha. Devido ao luto, todas a plantas cessaram de crescer. Zeus, não podendo deixar a terra morrer, ordenou que Hades devolvesse Perséfone. Todavia, era regra do destino que qualquer um que consumisse alimento ou bebida no inferno estaria condenado a ficar lá por toda a eternidade. Quando Perséfone era ainda prisioneira de Hades, ela não tinha nenhum alimento para comer e Hades enganou-a oferecendo-lhe quatro sementes de romã. Por causa disso, ela foi condenada a passar quatro meses por ano no inferno. Assim, durante os quatro meses de Inverno em que Perséfone está ao lado de seu marido Hades no inferno, a terra não é fértil.
(in "a origem da palavra Romã", Maria Luiza Berwanger da Silva)
Parte IV
Rômulo Rema
Rômulo rema no rio.
A romã dorme no ramo,
a romã rubra. (E o céu).
O remo abre o rio.
O rio murmura.
A romã rubra dorme
cheia de rubis. (E o céu).
Rômulo rema no rio.
Abre-se a romã.
Abre-se a manhã.
Rolam rubis rubros do céu.
No rio,
Rômulo rema.
(Poema de Cecília Meireles)
Parte V
Image du film: La couleur de la grenade, Sergei Paradjanov, 1969
Posted by
O Coxo
Sunday, 17 April 2016
aos remotos de todos os Tibetes
Se considero com atenção a vida que os homens vivem, nada encontro nela que a diference da vida que vivem os animais. Uns e outros são lançados inconscientemente através das coisas e do mundo; uns e outros se entretêm com intervalos; uns e outros percorrem diariamente o mesmo percurso orgânico; uns e outros não pensam para além do que pensam, nem vivem para além do que vivem. (...)
Estas considerações, que em mim são frequentes levam-me a uma admiração súbita (...) aos místicos e aos ascetas - aos remotos de todos os Tibetes (...). Estes, ainda que no absurdo, tentam, de facto, libertar-se da lei animal. Estes, ainda que na loucura, tentam, de facto, negar a lei da vida, o espojar-se ao sol e o aguardar da morte sem pensar nela. Buscam, ainda que parados no alto de uma coluna; anseiam, ainda que numa cela sem luz; querem o que não conhecem, ainda que no martírio dado e na mágoa imposta.
Nós outros todos, que vivemos como animais com mais ou menos complexidade, atravessamos o palco como figurantes que não falam, vaidosos da solenidade do trajecto. (...) Os outros - os místicos da má hora e do sacríficio - sentem ao menos, com o corpo e o quotidiano, a presença mágica do mistério. São libertos, porque negam o sol visível; são plenos, porque se esvaziaram do vácuo do mundo.
(Bernardo Soares, in "O livro do Desassossego")
Posted by
O Coxo
Saturday, 16 April 2016
Steps festival
As part of the Steps Dance Festival, happening in the major Swiss cities from 7.4.2016 - 1.5.2016, Aakash Odedra presented Rising, a performance comprising four different pieces where Aakash adopts different moods, including elements of Kathak, an indian classical dance, in the first piece, changing into more visceral movements in the second and finishing with a more mystical set. Strongly recommended. A trailer below.
Posted by
O Coxo
Saturday, 2 April 2016
Fou à lier
FOU À LIER (Feu! Chatterton)
J’y pense tout le temps
Et pour que ça passe, ça passe
Je m’automédique
J’avale, j’avale
Des ecstas merdiques
Et je me dis que
Ça va
Et quand tout fout le camp
Je prends la poudre d’escampette
Qu’à mes tempes mon pouls ralentisse
Que les voix se taisent
Après la tempête
Je flotte dessus mes hantises
Dessus la peur d’être fou
À lier
Marteau comme ici les requins
Que j’ai dans la coloquinte
Au fond du bocal
Ouais je crains de finir fou
À lier
Marteau comme ici les requins !
Sont-ce des vaisseaux low cost
Pour des cieux tropicaux ?
Pastilles multicolores
Pour que les Dieux décolèrent…
Dans la discothèque
Poussent des palmiers que les
Crocodiles accostent
Descendons en parachute
Dans cet infini paradis !
La pensée a ses terres
Pas vues des radars satellitaires
Cette île est-elle ici réelle
Abandonnée ?
Ou bien dans ma tête
Récif peuplé de sirènes
Qui disent que je suis fou
À lier
Marteau comme ici les requins
Que j’ai dans la coloquinte
Un tout petit grain
Elles disent que je suis fou
À lier
Marteau comme ici les requins !
Sont-ce des tickets low cost
Pour des cieux tropicaux ?
Oh oh mais où suis-je ?
Et qui sont tous ces gens
Qui enfilent des perles aux cous
D’autres va-nu-pieds ?
Vite, je courtise
Les filles des locaux
Enfile des perles au cou
D’autres vahinés !
Ooooh ! Vite, je courtise
Les filles des locaux
Enfile des perles au cou
De toutes ces vahinés…
Posted by
O Coxo
Wednesday, 30 March 2016
Omar Khayamm
Dans la maison des artistes à Tehran j'ai trouvé ces "cent un quatrains" de Omar Khayyam, traduits du persan par Gilbert Lazard. Voici trois de ces quatrains:
Puisque ma venue au monde
hors de moi fut décidée
Qu'on en sûr en fin de compte
d'en sortir bon gré mal gré
Debout, remplis ta fonction
car je veux, enfant qui m'aimes,
Dans le vin noyer la peine
de l'humaine condition
Faudrait-il donc que je tente
d'encor bâtir sur la mer?
Les idolâtres du temple,
je les laisse à leurs chimères,
Khayyam est gibier d'enfer,
paraît-il, mais qui le dit?
Qui a vu le paradis
et qui revient de l'enfer?
Rétif esclave, je n'ai
ni l'heur ni l'art de Te plaire;
Mon cœur impur ne connaît
ni Ta paix ni Ta lumière.
Mais Tu n'octroies l'espérance
qu'à ceux qui suivent Ta voie:
C'est un marché, je n'y vois
grâce ni munificence!
Posted by
O Coxo
Wednesday, 9 March 2016
A Syrian love story
A courageous and deeply touching documentary about a Syrian family's exile filmed over 5 years. Strongly reccomended.
Posted by
O Coxo
Thursday, 18 February 2016
From Leonard Cohen's fabulous last album: 'popular stories', here is nevermind, a story about war and betrayal, which was first published online by Cohen as a poem in 2005.
Posted by
O Coxo
Sunday, 14 February 2016
Nothing That Is Everything
[Antigel Festival]
Nothing That Is Everything is a performance/dance/theatre/music show by Zita Swoon Group and Cie Wolvin, which revisits a Dada performance that took place in 1916, in the Cabaret Voltaire in Zurich. Highly recommended it if you happen to have them close to you.
Posted by
O Coxo
Sunday, 7 February 2016
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
Two excerpts from T.S. Eliot's poem "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock", from a selection of poems made by T.S. Eliot himself. Eliot famously wrote: "the only way of expressing emotion in the form of art is by finding (...) a set of objects, a situation, a chain of events which shall be formula of that particular emotion.".
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
And indeed there will be time
For the yellow smoke that slides along the street,
Rubbing its back upon the window-panes;
There will be time, there will be time
To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet;
There will be time to murder and create,
And time for all the works and days of hands
That lift and drop a question on your plate;
Time for you and time for me,
And time yet for a hundred indecisions,
And for a hundred visions and revisions,
Before the taking of a toast and tea.
In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.
And indeed there will be time
To wonder, “Do I dare?” and, “Do I dare?”
Time to turn back and descend the stair,
With a bald spot in the middle of my hair —
(They will say: “How his hair is growing thin!”)
My morning coat, my collar mounting firmly to the chin,
My necktie rich and modest, but asserted by a simple pin —
(They will say: “But how his arms and legs are thin!”)
Do I dare
Disturb the universe?
In a minute there is time
For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.
I grow old ... I grow old ...
I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled.
Shall I part my hair behind? Do I dare to eat a peach?
I shall wear white flannel trousers, and walk upon the beach.
I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each.
I do not think that they will sing to me.
Posted by
O Coxo
Wednesday, 3 February 2016
Tuesday, 2 February 2016
Le Verb Être
Je connais le désespoir dans ses
grandes lignes. Le désespoir n'a pas d'ailes, il ne se tient pas nécessairement à une
table desservie sur une terrasse, le soir, au bord de la mer. C'est le désespoir et ce
n'est pas le retour d'une quantité de petits faits comme des graines qui quittent à la
nuit tombante un sillon pour un autre. Ce n'est pas la mousse sur une pierre ou le verre
à boire. C'est un bateau criblé de neige, si vous voulez, comme les oiseaux qui tombent
et leur sang n'a pas la moindre épaisseur. Je connais le désespoir dans ses grandes
lignes. Une forme très petite, délimitée par un bijou de cheveux. C'est le désespoir.
Un collier de perles pour lequel on ne saurait trouver de fermoir et dont l'existence ne
tient pas même à un fil, voilà le désespoir. Le reste, nous n'en parlons pas. Nous
n'avons pas fini de désespérer, si nous commençons. Moi je désespère de l'abat-jour
vers quatre heures, je désespère de l'éventail vers minuit, je désespère de la
cigarette des condamnés. Je connais le désespoir dans ses grandes lignes. Le désespoir
n'a pas de cœur, la main reste toujours au désespoir hors d'haleine, au désespoir dont
les glaces ne nous disent jamais s'il est mort. Je vis de ce désespoir qui m'enchante. (...)
In "le révolver À cheveux blancs", André Breton
Posted by
O Coxo
Tuesday, 12 January 2016
beyond persepolis
Paddy fields in the Alborz mountains, Alamut valley region, northeast of Qazvin, Iran
The village of Palangan, in the Iranian Kurdistan, south of Sanandaj
View of the valley of Howraman Takht in the Iranian Kurdistan
The village of Howraman Takht in the Iranian Kurdistan
The beautiful Lotfollah mosque in the Naqsh-e Jaha square in Isfahan, Iran
The oasis of Farahzad in the Dasht e Kavir desert, Iran
O Coxo, in the dunes in the Dasht e Kavir
Posted by
O Coxo
Monday, 11 January 2016
silk road
Silkworm cocoons with visible silk threads in a silk factory in Margillan, Fergana Valley, Uzbekistan.
Little Char Minar in Bukhara
Posted by
O Coxo