Tuesday, 4 October 2011


Caro pcp, para quando a prometida sessão de Stalker ?

(Scene from the film Stalker, Andrei Tarkovsky, 1979)

It is said that Tarkovsky, on being told that the film should be faster and more dynamic, replied: - the film needs to be slower and duller at the start so that the viewers who walked into the wrong theatre have time to leave before the main action starts.

1 comment:

Telemaco said...

Vi o teu post e marquei sessao, em Londres, sorry, nao deu para convidar :-)

este filme e' enorme! ha' aquela filosofia toda ali metida mas no final quase nao interessam as palavras/ideias com tanta imagem/cor/movimento/tempo. uma perola.

Abraco, Luis