Monday, 9 May 2011

Ages of life

Euphrates' cities and
Palmyra's streets and you
Forests of columns in the level desert
What are you now?

(Ages of Life, Hölderlin)


caminhámos juntos sobre as estátuas
contemplámos as árvores nos pedestais
enquanto na alameda os cavalos decapitados
morriam dorsos nus
fomos por momentos grandes feridas abertas
na terra
e rimos animados por um desejo animal
(e no entanto havia como que um pudor em pisar as raízes)
quebrámos a intenção dos solos
com a obstinação da seiva
amámos muscularmente as pedras soerguidas
e as forças como se fossem matéria anatómica
e pecámos mortalmente nas manhãs
quando o orvalho nos encontrava no jardim

(texto de O Coxo)

Monday, 2 May 2011

Namibia - Etosha reserve

I had to add one photo from Etosha. So I have chosen the giraffes. Some people will ask: are these mountain giraffes ? I would have to answer no... but I did see some giraffes in a very hilly region of the country so technically we could say those were mountain giraffes...

Namibia - Twyfelfountain

typical landscape of the Damaraland,

Namibia - Brandberg

Savannah meets mountains at the Brandberg,

Sandwich Harbour

an indistinct light, diluted by a constant fog gave the whole experience a dreamlike feeling...

Sandwich harbour

dunes meet sea... one of the most amazing places I have been in my life.

Namib desert

this is what I mean with desert...

Namibia - Solitary

It had been a generous rainy season...

Namibia - Sesriem

sunset over the savannah in Sesriem

Namibia - Sesriem

Dunes meet savannah in the Nammib desert