Sunday 13 December 2009

Traveling in India is also...

...finding your way amongst cow dung, heaps of rubbish, flee-bitten skeleton-like dogs, people sleeping on the streets, all kinds of beggars and disabled with unimaginable handicaps, touts, persistent shopkeepers, massage men, hashish sellers, rickshaw drivers, more rickshaw drivers, barbers assuring you that you need a shave, people pissing against every wall, noisy motor bikes, all kinds of two and three wheeled vehicles on constant collision route. Then there are the monkeys, plus the pigs feasting on the rotten food and the rats feasting on the overflowing sewers, cows eating refuse on the streets, goats eating refuse on the streets, tourists thinking "how exotic !", locals staring at the tourists thinking "how exotic !". Overcrowded, claustrophobic trains, crumbling buses full of people with empty gazes pushing each other on a rush to survive one more day...

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